DECHEMA Symposium - Satellite Events
Wednesday 28th October 2020:
DECHEMA - Symposium
- Workshop |Catalysis for fossil-free fuels and chemicals in Europe
- Peter Dröll (Director of Directorate Prosperity; DG for Research and Innovation, EU-COM )
- Professor Jens Norskov (Professor at Technical University of Denmark, Department of Physics)
- Professor Rüdiger Eichel (Professor at Forschungszentrum Jülich )
- Florian Ausfelder (
Reserach Management at the German Society for Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology (DECHEMA e.V.)
The aim of this workshop is to describe how catalysis and chemistry can contribute to the challenge of replacing fossil with sustainable resources to produce energy and chemicals. The session will showcase two different conversion routes, namely CO2 to chemicals and fuels and N2 to ammonia. The presentations will be given by high-level academic speakers. In a third presentation, these perspectives will be reflected upon by an analysis describing the economic, environmental and societal implications of the shift to non-fossil resources.
Moderator: Prof. Kurt Wagemann (Executive Director DECHEMA e.V.)
InnoTruck Exhibition – Technology and Ideas for Tomorrow
You can look forward to a very promising virtual contribution from the InnoTruck Exhibition - Technology and Ideas for Tomorrow. The InnoTruck (please click the red button to the InnoTruck, room 2) is a mobile exhibition and exploration centre comprising two levels and featuring more than 80 technology exhibits, which showcases the six future tasks earmarked by the Federal Government as highly significant for its High-Tech Strategy 2025:
- the digital economy and society
- sustainable economy and energy
- innovative world of work
- healthy living
- intelligent mobility
- civil security
Through this nationwide mobile information initiative, which launched in spring 2017, the Federal Ministry of Education and Research is seeking to encourage public debate on the question of how innovations in technology and science can be driven ahead in order to generate the greatest possible benefit.