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27 October 2020 - 28 October 2020
Digital Conference on Industrial Technologies IndTech2020 | Virtual

Conference (Agenda)

Tuesday 27th October 2020:

Representatives of the EU COM and BMBF will open the conference with a welcoming address followed by the plenary session. After the official opening speeches, keynotes from stakeholders will be presented.

Opening and Plenary Session |Transition to Sustainable Prosperity – From Words to Actions
BMBF State Secretary Wolf-Dieter LUKAS and EU Director General Jean Eric PAQUET will open the IndTech2020 conference with a welcoming address. The title of the plenary session is derived from the conference title “Transition to Sustainable Prosperity”. After the official opening speeches, keynote presentations from the Co-President of the Club of Rome - Sandrine DIXSON-DECLÈVE - and the President of A.SPIRE - Pierre JORIS – will reflect on the definition of the conference title, the steps required for a socially fair transition to a sustainable and green economy and the main challenges facing EU policy, industry, academia and society. 

Panel Discussion | Strengthening Europe’s Technological Sovereignty – Opportunities and Pitfalls
Technological innovations are changing our economy and society. Shaping this transformation in line with core societal values and in a continual exchange with society is a key political challenge. Technological sovereignty lies at the heart of this challenge. Rather than dependency on foreign technologies, this comprises the ability to define and establish core requirements and properties for technologies, thereby safeguarding the self-determination of citizens in the digital age. The discussion will be focused on how an integrated innovation policy, which rests upon European collaboration and combines the promotion of technology development, technology transfer and individuals’ competencies, can achieve this goal.

    Thematic Workshops
    During our thematic workshops the focus will be set on “Batteries”, “Biologically Inspired Technologies”, “Green Deal: Low Carbon and Technologies for the Circular Economy”, “Future Manufacturing - Industry 4.0”, “Digital Technologies in Materials Research”, “European Partnerships in Horizon Europe” and “Young Scientists”. For this purpose, high-ranking speakers from industry (SME & large cooperations) and academia will present running EU projects and discuss future challenges. The following aspects will be reflected in the speakers' presentations:

    • sustainability in industrial technologies
    • a holistic view on materials across its entire value chain
    • and future perspectives and impacts (on people, climate & environment) by 2030 and 2050

    The IndTech 2020 Scientific Advisory Board

    The IndTech 2020 Scientific Advisory Board  is comprised of the distinguished thought leaders and scientists throughout various areas of industrial technologies.

    Closed since 28 October 2020
    Organised by
    Germany 293
    Spain 148
    Belgium 88
    Italy 27
    Ireland 26
    Austria 25
    Israel 24
    Greece 23
    France 22
    United Kingdom 22
    Portugal 19
    Türkiye 12
    Hungary 12
    Romania 10
    Switzerland 9
    Czech Republic 8
    Finland 7
    Netherlands 7
    Lithuania 7
    Luxembourg 7
    Sweden 6
    Denmark 6
    Taiwan 5
    Slovakia 5
    Poland 5
    Slovenia 4
    Norway 3
    Serbia 2
    Croatia 2
    Malta 2
    Bosnia And Herzegovina 2
    Chile 2
    Cyprus 2
    Ukraine 2
    Iceland 2
    Brazil 1
    Oman 1
    Australia 1
    Estonia 1
    Tunisia 1
    Argentina 1
    Moldova, Republic Of 1
    Bulgaria 1
    Colombia 1
    Albania 1
    Guadeloupe 1
    Algeria 1
    India 1
    United States 1
    Total 860
    R&D Institution 207
    University/Laboratory 134
    Company (Industry) 109
    Company (SME) 74
    Association/Agency 70
    Authority/Government 59
    Others 56
    Consulting 37
    Start-up 35
    National Contact Point (NCP) 30
    European Commission 21
    Enterprise Europe Network (EEN) 14
    Cluster 14
    Total 860
    Profile views
    Before event 7555
    After event 834
    Total 8389