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27 October 2020 - 28 October 2020
Digital Conference on Industrial Technologies IndTech2020 | Virtual

IndTech2020 Conference Recordings

Please find below recordings of the European Conference on Industrial Technologies "IndTech2020 - Transition to Sustainable Prosperity" from the 27th - 28th of October 2020. You can have a look at the expert panels, interviews and thematic workshops at any time and catch up with any of our event parts that you may have missed.

IndTech2020 - Opening and Plenary Session | Transition to Sustainable Prosperity – From Words to Actions

    Welcoming Address from BMBF

    Prof. Dr.-Ing. Ina SCHIEFERDECKER (Director-General, Research for Technological Sovereignty and Innovation, Federal Ministry of Education and Research) is opening the IndTech2020 conference with a welcoming address.

    Welcoming Address from EU-COM

    Jean-Eric PAQUET (Director-General for Research and Innovation, EU-COM) is opening the IndTech2020 conference with a welcoming addres.

    Plenar Session & Podiumsdiskussion

    Thematic Workshops

    Integrative Sustainable Manufacturing – How the Smart Combination of Key Technologies, Human Capabilities and Flexible Value Networks is Transforming the Manufacturing Industry

    Next Generation Materials Research: 100% Digital Mapping of Production and Processing

    European Green Deal: Carbon Neutrality in Industrial Technologies – Is this Possible?

    Young Scientists - Creativity Challenges for a Better Sustainable World

    Horizon Europe Partnerships – How They Create Opportunities for New EU Collaborations and How They Can Enable the Transition to Economic, Social and Environmental Sustainability

    European Green Deal: Sustainable Circularity for Prosperity, Environmental, Social and Economic Advantages

    Bioinspired and Biointelligent Technologies

    Closing Remarks

    The closing remarks are given by Peter DRÖLL (Acting Director of the Directorate General for Research and Innovation, Directorate Prosperity)

    Interviews &Talks

    Interview on “Manufacturing Technologies: Transition Towards Sustainability” with Professor Tullio TOLIO. 

    Talk on “Europe in the global battery business - Status & perspectives” with Bo NORMARK.

    Interview on “Electronic Materials and Circular Economy” with Professor Peter WELLMANN.

    Interview on “Industrial Symbiosis” with Lisbeth RANDERS.

    DECHEMA Symposium: Catalysis for fossil-free fuels and chemicals in Europe

    DECHEMA Symposium (Part 1)

    DECHEMA Symposium (Part 2)

    InnoTruck: Technology and Ideas for Tormorrow

    Closed since 28 October 2020
    Organised by
    Germany 293
    Spain 148
    Belgium 88
    Italy 27
    Ireland 26
    Austria 25
    Israel 24
    Greece 23
    France 22
    United Kingdom 22
    Portugal 19
    Türkiye 12
    Hungary 12
    Romania 10
    Switzerland 9
    Czech Republic 8
    Finland 7
    Netherlands 7
    Lithuania 7
    Luxembourg 7
    Sweden 6
    Denmark 6
    Taiwan 5
    Slovakia 5
    Poland 5
    Slovenia 4
    Norway 3
    Serbia 2
    Croatia 2
    Malta 2
    Bosnia And Herzegovina 2
    Chile 2
    Cyprus 2
    Ukraine 2
    Iceland 2
    Brazil 1
    Oman 1
    Australia 1
    Estonia 1
    Tunisia 1
    Argentina 1
    Moldova, Republic Of 1
    Bulgaria 1
    Colombia 1
    Albania 1
    Guadeloupe 1
    Algeria 1
    India 1
    United States 1
    Total 860
    R&D Institution 207
    University/Laboratory 134
    Company (Industry) 109
    Company (SME) 74
    Association/Agency 70
    Authority/Government 59
    Others 56
    Consulting 37
    Start-up 35
    National Contact Point (NCP) 30
    European Commission 21
    Enterprise Europe Network (EEN) 14
    Cluster 14
    Total 860
    Profile views
    Before event 7555
    After event 834
    Total 8389